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A coaching company that offers life performance and executive coaching solutions for managers and leaders in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

What We Do?

Our goal is to support managers, executives, business owners and voluntary sector leaders with the art of managing change. Sometimes that change is voluntary but at other times it is involuntary and forced on a leader through life circumstances beyond their control.

Abbott Executive Coaching

Abbott Executive Coaching is designed purposefully for individuals, creating a unique series of sessions with the client’s needs at the forefront of everything.                 

Abbott HR

Abbott HR is experienced in HR consulting and is able to help your company achieve its compliance goals while streamlining your processes for managing staff.                                  

Abbott Workplace Mediation

Mediation is a confidential, voluntary and informal way of resolving disputes using an independent third party to assist the parties to examine the causes behind their conflict and find a joint resolution.

In an exclusive interview, Mike Abbott, the author of Burn Out, “Learn Lessons From my Journey”, delves into the profound reasons that compelled him to pen his latest book. This powerful and insightful work has resonated deeply with readers, offering a unique perspective that is both enlightening and transformative. Here, Mike shares the motivations, experiences and aspirations that fuelled his writing journey, providing an intimate look into the heart and soul of his literary creation.