It’s all online!

I find myself having to circumnavigate the online battle. Trying to see my Doctor, the first response when you now phone is, have you booked via the App, no I haven’t, they suggest (I mean the recorded voice of a human being, or is it an AI replacement) that it’s easier to get an appointment…. oh, come on!

I miss speaking to a human being at the end of the phone, that individual who is breathing and has blood flowing through their veins. Rather than filling out another online e-Consult and of course if you don’t get it right you lose everything.

And then there is the bank, I wanted to place some money into an ISA savings account, I was greeted by a human being dressed smartly in the banks uniform, well I thought to myself this is a good start, and yet within 30 seconds of me telling them my enquiry………You guessed it, they replied, do you have online banking!!!!

I’m thinking of starting a campaign against everything online, t-shirts, flyers, and placards. Marching around my local shopping precent. To then being carted off to the local Psychiatric ward………… where visiting is only made possible via an App!!!

If you want help with your burnout from Apps, give me a call, and let’s see how I can assist you at